Welcome to the world of a sheep, a man who has decided that what he wants to do is what everyone else does and write a blog. So welcome to just another blog this is going to be dedicated to my adventures and mishaps as a standard British rock climber. I've always been a man/boy of the outdoors joining scouts and following my dad up damp Scottish mountains, but it was at university I started rock climbing taking a light interest in my first year then ramping it up as I have progressed through the academic years, I am by no means a good rock climber climbing British HVS/E1 (for those who don't know what that means I'll dedicate a blog to that specific subject) but I thought it'd be interesting for people to hear what the average climbers adventures are like. I'll write about my recent adventures in the land of trade routes and sandbags, I'll write reviews of gear I like and I may end up rambling on about ethics. If you are new too climbing and need a reference for climbing terms there is a page where I will write the definition of terms updating it with each blog. I don't expect you to find this interesting just laugh at my stupidity and try and be inspired for your own adventures.
Myself on Tower Ridge an unremarkable achievement in the world of climbing a pretty standard adventure but a great day out with friends (Colt Mountain Adventures there will be a blog about that as well) and a brilliant personal experience.
I don't even have long hair anymore shorn like the sheep I am
I expect a section mirroring the ten commandments of British climbing ethics